Is laser hair removal right for me?

No matter your skin type or tone, laser hair removal is a great option for patients looking to permanently reduce body hair. Utilizing a combination of light and radiofrequency, laser hair removal thermally destroys the hair follicles to help prevent regrowth.

What can I expect from laser hair removal?

Patients can expect to experience mild to no discomfort during this short procedure.  Laser hair removal with the GentleMax Pro laser by Candela uses a patented Dynamic Cooling Device™ (DCD™), which prepares the skin for treatment by releasing a cool burst of cryogen milliseconds before the laser pulse. This technique ensures a comfortable patient experience.

When will I see results?

Results are seen after the first treatment. Most patients require 6 to 8 treatments before they reach their desired result. Hair growth is reduced after each visit. Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.

Is it safe for darker skin types?

Yes! Other laser hair removal treatments don’t cater to all skin types. Gentle Laser Hair Removal treatments are right for you, no matter what your skin tone is.

How do I prepare for laser hair removal?

Three weeks prior to treatment, you should avoid tweezing, electrolysis, epilatory creams and waxing. On the day of your treatment, skin should be clean-shaven and thoroughly cleansed of any makeup, creams, ointments, oils, deodorant, topical anesthetics and self-tanning products.

Recently tanned skin cannot be treated. Apply a physical sunscreen daily to prevent sun damage.

Do not expose the treatment area to a tanning booth light prior to or immediately after treatment. If you have a history of herpes simplex virus, a prophylactic antiviral therapy may be prescribed and taken orally before and after procedure.

What to expect after treatment?

A cool compress or gel pack may be applied for additional comfort after your treatment. Any redness or swelling should resolve in a few hours. After your laser treatment, prevent sun exposure by applying sunblock (SPF 30 or above). In the first few days after treatment, don’t scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers. Your practitioner may advise additional precautions.


How does FDA-approved laser work on nail fungus?

Clinical evidence shows the GentleMax Pro Laser by Candela to effectively treat onychomycosis. The laser releases pulses or energy that heat the tissue to kill microbes. The laser energy penetrates through the nail, to the nail bed where fungus is likely present.

Is laser better than oral medications?

Oral anti-fungal medications are toxic and can cause medical complications. This is why physicians require routine lab tests before and during every prescription refill. Laser is considered an advanced treatment for nail fungus. There is no adverse reaction and it is completely drug free. Patients have the option to continue over the counter ointments and/or oils such as tree tea oil.

When will I see results?

Patients do not see instant change in the nails. Typically, a significant overall improvement will be seen after 3 months. Continuous improvement can be seen gradually as the nail continues to grow out. Toenails are dead cells with living fungus inside the nail. There is nothing we can do to improve the present nail but we can change the way the new nail grows. As a rough estimate, toenails may take 9 – 12 months to grow out completely, and fingernails may take 6 – 9 months.

How long does the treatment take?

Treatment may take approximately 15-20 mins per foot.

How many sessions are needed?

It is ideal to adhere to 3 sessions scheduled 4-6 weeks apart. While some patients have success with a single treatment, additional treatments may be performed depending on results.

Is the treatment painful?

The laser is maneuvered over infected nails and sometimes non infected nails. You will feel the area under the nail heat up but not to an uncomfortable degree. Your technician can pause the treatment at any time should you become intolerably uncomfortable. However, some may experience slight pain during treatment. It it common to experience redness of the treated skin lasting 24 – 72 hours, slight swelling of the treated skin around the nail lasting 24 – 72 hours & discolouration or burn marks may occur on the nail. In very rare cases, blistering of the treated skin around the nail and scarring of the treated skin around the nail may occur.