Laser Hair Removal

About Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses GentleMaxPro laser from Candela to remove unwanted hair. Our system is a true laser device and not an IPL device. This will result in faster, satisfying results you will love.

During the hair removal treatment; a laser beam is delivered and passed through the skin reaching individual hair follicles causing them to collapse while the surrounding tissue remains unaffected.

We treat multiple hair follicles at a time and treatment only takes an average of 30 minutes. The intense heat of the laser damages the hair follicle, which inhibits future hair growth. The hair growth is reduced after each treatment. The number of treatments required will be based on your hair color, skin tone, and body area. Typically 4-10 treatments are needed scheduled 4-6 weeks apart.

You can achieve amazing results after only 1 treatment. However, optimal results are seen between 4 and 6 treatments. Expect minimal discomfort as our FDA approved laser has a built-in cooling device (DCD, Dynamic Cooling Device), that has been proven to make your treatments comfortable yet effective. Many clients describe it as a pinch-like sensation or a rubber band snap.